
Showing posts from November, 2009

got into a fucking accident

Got into a fucking accident today while heading to the gym this morning. Included with this post are a couple pics. I'm so fucking pissed right now I can't even explain. I'm going straight and the asshole coming the opposite way decides to turn left into a driveway, fails to yield and I run straight into him. The bastard was driving a brand spanking new 2009/2010 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner. If this accident happened to my Honda Pilot I wouldn't have been so pissed, but this happened to my pride and joy, my 1980 Triumph TR7. Parts for this car are no longer made and I'd have to find used parts to fix her up, not fun. The radiator support and the frame maybe fucked up as well.... dammit!!!!! Luckily I was close enough to home so I could at least limp back home with the radiator leaking coolant. If I can't fix her up I guess I'll have to junk her or sell her for parts. Did I mention how pissed I am? I hate to generalize, but people from Mainland China are fuckin...