
Showing posts from 2009

got into a fucking accident

Got into a fucking accident today while heading to the gym this morning. Included with this post are a couple pics. I'm so fucking pissed right now I can't even explain. I'm going straight and the asshole coming the opposite way decides to turn left into a driveway, fails to yield and I run straight into him. The bastard was driving a brand spanking new 2009/2010 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner. If this accident happened to my Honda Pilot I wouldn't have been so pissed, but this happened to my pride and joy, my 1980 Triumph TR7. Parts for this car are no longer made and I'd have to find used parts to fix her up, not fun. The radiator support and the frame maybe fucked up as well.... dammit!!!!! Luckily I was close enough to home so I could at least limp back home with the radiator leaking coolant. If I can't fix her up I guess I'll have to junk her or sell her for parts. Did I mention how pissed I am? I hate to generalize, but people from Mainland China are fuckin...

U2 concert @ the Rose Bowl 10/25/09 - my review

As most of you know, this concert was streamed live on for all the world to experience, and Bono and the boys played up to the hype. A crowd of over 95,000 showed up to support the boys from Dublin, Ireland. Let me first say that I was a bit disappointed to find out that the Black Eyed Peas were the opening act for U2, but pleasantly surprised with their performance. The energy and the enthusiasm shown through in their performance. Maybe the fact that most of the band came from Los Angeles had to do with their energy. Still wished The Muse opened up for them as with the earlier shows on the tour, but oh well. Our seats were in section 3H row 60, that's about 10-15 rows from the top, pretty high up, but got a great view of the stage. U2 finally hit the stage at about 9pm. The band started out with the song "Breathe" from their current album "No Line On the Horizon", in my opinion, not one of their better opening tunes, but the boys played with energ...

Caught the Flu Bug

Sorry for not updating my blog lately. A couple weeks ago, I caught the flu bug during my vacation. Two days prior to my vacation I had to call in sick, never had to do that before. I've never ever been so sick in my life. I was literally in bed for those two days with a fever, body aches and cough. Let me rephrase that, not body aches, but muscle cramps.... every single muscle was cramping up on me, even muscles I didn't knew I had were cramping up on me. I had to take pain meds for 5 days straight just to get out of bed. The cramps hurt so much that even turning over in bed was a chore to do. Never in my 41 years have I had so much pain to deal with. All this occurred 2 days after I took my flu shot. Whether or not it had something to do with my illness is still up in the air. Even today I still have a slight cough. Oh, I went to see my doctor to get me tested for H1N1 and it was negative, but that flu bug really kicked my ass!

Little Wheel

Discovered this nice little game while surfing. I think the animation is very well done. I wish, although, that the game was a bit longer, here's hoping for a part 2 maybe? Little Wheel

Chuck Liddell - Dancing with the Stars

Preface: I usually don't watch this show, but my 4 y.o. enjoys it for some reason. What the hell is Chuck Liddell (from MMA fame) doing on this show? He looks like the most out of place person on the whole damn show! Wait, I think Tom DeLay comes a close second and the second runner up would be Macy Gray... oy vey.

Uses for WD-40

I posted this on FB, but I thought I'd do it here too: WD-40 article According to WD-40 folklore, a guy who had just bought a new pickup got up one Sunday morning and saw that someone had spray painted red all around the sides of this beige truck (for some unknown reason). Needless to say, he was very upset and was trying to figure out what to do. His neighbor came out and told him to get some WD-40 and clean it off. It removed the unwanted paint beautifully and did not harm his paint job that was on the truck. Water Displacement #40, AKA WD-40 began as a research project to develop a rust preventative solvent and degreaser to protect missile parts. WD-40 was created in 1953 by three technicians at the San Diego Rocket Chemical Company. Its name comes from the project that was to find a 'water displacement' compound. They were successful with the fortieth formulation, thus WD-40. The Convair Company bought it in bulk to protect their atlas missile parts. Ken East...

Wow! My first post on my blog.

Thought I would jump on the bandwagon since everyone and their grandmothers have a blog writing about nonesuch and the kitchen sink. Now I gotta figure out what to write for my blog. Maybe I can start writing about plain nothingness, hmmmm, anyone have any ideas?