Caught the Flu Bug

Sorry for not updating my blog lately. A couple weeks ago, I caught the flu bug during my vacation. Two days prior to my vacation I had to call in sick, never had to do that before. I've never ever been so sick in my life. I was literally in bed for those two days with a fever, body aches and cough. Let me rephrase that, not body aches, but muscle cramps.... every single muscle was cramping up on me, even muscles I didn't knew I had were cramping up on me. I had to take pain meds for 5 days straight just to get out of bed. The cramps hurt so much that even turning over in bed was a chore to do. Never in my 41 years have I had so much pain to deal with. All this occurred 2 days after I took my flu shot. Whether or not it had something to do with my illness is still up in the air. Even today I still have a slight cough. Oh, I went to see my doctor to get me tested for H1N1 and it was negative, but that flu bug really kicked my ass!


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